
Prose..You Spose?

Ok this bit of prose isn't finished...i wrote this on my laptop while riding the King Streecar last year sometime....i forgot the mood I was in...Im just thowing it up...blaaaaghhhhhechhhhh! LOL...

Every story has been told. Every line written has been written before. All things seem plagiarized to the critic. Mother earth is encapsulating our spirits under a volatile eggshell cranium. The cranium is made up of silicon and plastic. So it's been said. Been there! Done that!

Prose from the common man is now infiltrating the social conscience. Ah bullshit! Slang and broken english is rampant! Every move has been executed. What is next? Demand for higher quality of suffering and acknowledge the feats of our urban survival. Elite warriors who serve the machine.

I'm too spoiled to etch. Passing a tower that held your anguish. Fluttering hair strands out to the lake. No snake to weave the strands in it's nest and to give you a migraine you have never felt. Just rant.

Blood that pumps through brains now flows more easily. As the brain turns to mush. They mash it down themselves and you cannot stop it. The story of Bear and Fox and the blueberry elixir that brought the terrible medicine into our community has taken center stage.
()___)______)))~~~(30 cents a puff...0owah!)